Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Dara Torres (DT) has made a lot of progress over the last couple of weeks, to the point of being acclimated to the home. She spends very little time in the crate now.

DT is easy going and has a very mild temperament. DT is not needy, but will hang with you as long as you want to pet her.

She has learned the dog door, which is very nice for us, not having to walk her first thing in the morning. Speaking of walking, DT is very good on a leash.

DT likes toys. She does not play much with them, but just likes having them around. It is more like her possessions, which include a stuffed animal, a chew toy, a ball and an old water bottle. When we move her bed, she brings her possessions (toys) to the new location. For a two year old, DT is not bad about chewing things up. She has had the stuffed animal now for 2 weeks with minimal damage.

DT has fit in well with our other hound Cara. That is right, we have Cara and Dara!

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